Leaping into the ‘new normal’ for FMCG

What happened in FMCG during the pandemic?



Where did our food spend go?


Source: IRI Australia Coronavirus Impact (Mar-20); McKinsey & Co COVID-19 Consumer Survey; Partners in Performance analysis

How will Australian consumers respond to lower discounts during recession and how will supermarkets react?

Promotional width and depth

2019 vs. 2020



Portfolio promotion strategy will be key to ensuring reduced discounts don’t creep back in

Promotional depth of common catalogue items

Average % discount offered


Source: Partners in Performance analysis based on Coles catalogues sourced from australiacatalogue.com

Is there an opportunity to reset customer expectations and reduce SKU proliferation?

The reduction of choice – Leggo’s Pasta sauce case study

% change from baseline


Source: Interview with Simplot and Partners in Performance analysis

Adrian James

Adrian James

Partner, Consumer Markets


Contact Adrian now